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Old 09-03-2011, 10:04 PM
Ralli Ralli is offline
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Posts: 78

Originally Posted by The Bullet View Post
that only covers so much. When a product is designed to do X amount and your magnusson-moss act items put you well over the designed output of the item then you have problems. i don't mean to throw this into an argument, just pointing out certain things.

now, this clearly seems to be a defective item that is mitsu's fault. Did aftermarket items accelerate the wear and cause a premature failure. thats up to mitsu to prove.
Very interesting post, the first part sounds as if you have no idea what Magnuson-Moss is all about(you dont actually have Magnuson-Moss ITEMS, it was a lawsuit against automanufacturers in '75 or '76 for not covering ANY of the warranty due to a mod that did not directly affect the part that had gone bad), OF COURSE if your aftermarket parts cause the failure you're screwed (that is why I said they needed to read it), no one said otherwise, your second paragraph essentially paraphrases it...interesting
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